Saturday, August 21, 2010

Recipes like Litterbox Cake for pet lovers (human food)?

My local animal shelter is having a bake sale. Besides the Litter Box cake are there any other recipes for pet-inspired cookies, cakes, or pies? Any websites or recipes would be appreciated.Recipes like Litterbox Cake for pet lovers (human food)?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Sounds like fun :)

Edit - OMG I can't believe someone made an edible, but visually gagging and identical looking, cat litter tray cake. EEEyuuukss! I now know how cats feels when they have a hairball stuck in their throat :))Recipes like Litterbox Cake for pet lovers (human food)?
I dont have the recipe or the name of the book to help you but its in a book that is full of grose sounding and looking foods to make for partys and the litter box cake was in it. I know they used warmed and melted tootsie rolls for the poop. Sorry i couldnt be more help. Here's one I found but not the particular recipe i was talking about. Good Luck!

Kitty Litter Cake

From Linda Larsen,


* 18 oz. box spice cake mix

* 18 oz. box white cake mix

* 16 oz. pkg. white sandwich cookies

* 1 large box vanilla instant pudding mix

* 12-16 small tootsie rolls

* 1 litter box (a NEW one!) (I'd use a large roasting pan)

* 1 plastic scoop

* green food coloring


Prepare cake mixes and bake according to directions using 13x9'; pans. Let cool completely. Prepare pudding mix according to package directions and chill until ready to assemble cake. Place sandwich cookies in a heavy duty zip lock plastic bag and hit them with a rolling pin until crumbled.

Set aside 1/4 cup of the cookie crumbs. Add a few drops green food coloring to the 1/4 cup crumbs and mix with a fork.

Remove the cakes from their pans and crumble into a large bowl. Toss with half the remaining white cookie crumbs and the chilled pudding. You probably won't need all of the pudding, mix gently with the cake crumbs until evenly moist. Put mixture into a NEW litter box that has been lined three or four times with plastic wrap. Tape the plastic wrap to the sides of the box so the food doesn't touch the pan. Better yet, use a large roasting pan for one cake, or make two cakes and put them in two 13x9'; pans.

Unwrap all the tootsie rolls. Place three of them in a microwavable dish and heat on LOW until soft and pliable, checking every 30 seconds. Taper the ends of the tootsie rolls, rolling them between your palms and curving slightly. Repeat with remaining tootsie rolls, heating them three at a time, and bury in cake mixture and place on top too. Sprinkle the other half of cookie crumbs over top. Scatter the green cookie crumbs lightly over the top (this is for the colored granules in some brands of kitty litter).鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Go to - I looked there for a recipe for Halloween! I think one of the recipes uses Grape Nuts...Pretty gross but hilarious!
Dang, I thought this was a joke until I read the whole question.

Litterbox cake is a real thing? I'm going to throw up.

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